Effective Methods to Clean Dried Cat Urine From Carpet – FS UK

Cat laying on carpet next to urine stain

Cats are known for their personal hygiene and overall cleanliness. However, urinary issues are not uncommon, as young cats can be very troublesome and even some grown-up and well-trained kitties can misbehave sometimes. This can be caused by several factors, both behavioural and medical.

If you have a cat and have experienced an accident or two with your furry friend, then you know that cat urine is very stinky and difficult to remove. That goes double for carpets! We know how unpleasant this can be to every homeowner. After all, everyone wants a clean home. But don’t worry – you have come to the right place.

So, if:

  • Your cat keeps peeing outside of its litter box;
  • You are unable to remove the cat urine smell completely;
  • You want to know the reasons why your cat isn’t using the litter box.

Then keep on reading to find out how to clean dried cat urine from your carpet!

How to find a urine stain

The first step in cleaning cat urine is locating it. You should be able to smell the odour in the room but dry urine is easy to miss. Cats tend to pee in corners and hidden areas, so check the perimeters of the carpet first. Look for any visible discolouration.

If you are not able to see anything, use your nose. This might be a little awkward for some but you can try crawling on your hands and knees and sniffing to locate the stain. Another effective way to locate a stain is by shining a black light using a UV torch.

Ways to effectively clean dried cat urine from your carpet

Once a urine stain has dried, getting rid of it becomes a more difficult task. However, three main methods can help you clean your carpet. Those are vinegar and baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or enzymatic cleaners.

White vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda can be powerful tools when it comes to getting rid of urine stains and odours.

  1. Mix equal amounts of white vinegar and water in a bucket or spray bottle. Use a bigger proportion of vinegar for older stains.
  2. Saturate the area of the urine stain thoroughly with the solution. Let the mixture sit in place for 30 minutes.
  3. Blot dry the stain with a paper towel or an old cloth.
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda and leave it until the affected area is completely dry. The baking soda will absorb any lingering odours and prevent mildew buildup.
  5. Finally, vacuum up the baking soda from the floor.

White vinegar can also be used to remove grease stains from your carpet!

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

This method can be applied after treatment with vinegar, or by itself.

  1. Cover the affected area with a layer of baking soda. Sprinkle enough to cover the stain but don’t overdo it.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon of dish detergent (bleach-free) and 250ml of hydrogen peroxide labelled 3% or ‘food grade’ (can be found in chemists or online).
  3. Spray or pour the mixture over the baking soda.
  4. Use a soft bristle brush (toothbrush or nail brush) to work the solution into the carpet with circular motions.
  5. Allow some time to fully dry, then vacuum up the powder. Repeat if necessary.

Test the solution on a part of the carpet that is not visible to make sure it won’t cause discolouration to your carpet.

Hydrogen peroxide is very effective in removing spilt milk stains from your carpet. It also works wonders on bloody carpet stains too.

Enzymatic cleaners

Enzyme-based products are great for fighting foul odours coming from cat urine. Those cleaning products contain special enzymes that break down the acid of cat urine and neutralise the bacteria causing the bad smell.

Enzymatic cleaners can be found in many major retailers, pet stores, and online. Most come in spray bottles but it will be better if you remove the spray nozzle and pour the liquid over the area. Let the cleaner stay for 10-15 minutes or follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the label. After that, blot up as much liquid as possible using a towel. For more stubborn stains, repeat the process if you think it’s necessary.

How to remove cat urine odour

As already mentioned, cat urine has a very strong unpleasant smell, and there is a scientific explanation behind that. But we are not going to get into much detail here. The most important thing to know is that cleaning the stain as soon as possible is the best way to avoid a stinky carpet. The longer the urine stays in the carpet, the worse the smell will get.

  1. Use cold water and an old towel to soak up the liquid.
  2. Apply an enzymatic pet urine product. It will eradicate the acid in the urine and neutralise the bacteria.
  3. After that, cover the area with a damp towel and leave it for the night.

Remember: Cats are creatures of habit. They tend to urinate in the same spot. It’s important to eliminate the smell both for you and for your pet. If the kitten can still smell the stain, it will keep returning there.

Why is your cat not using its litter box?

There is always a reason behind a pet’s misbehaviour and you must understand what the problem is first. If your cat pees outside of its litter box, it could be caused by two things – a medical condition or behavioural issues.

If you notice that your cat is misbehaving, take it to your veterinarian immediately. There are some common urinary issues cats can have, such as urinary tract infection, bladder stones, metabolic disease, or idiopathic cystitis. If not treated on time, serious complications can occur.

When a medical problem is present, your vet will recommend treatment. Some cats are diagnosed with FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) when a urinary issue is chronic, and a special urinary diet or supplements will be needed. Inappropriate urination can also be due to a non-urinary health problem, like discomfort elsewhere in the body.

Another cause of a cat’s naughty behaviour could be a change in the environment, stress and anxiety caused by loud noises or other animals in the house. The litter box can also be a reason for your cat to misbehave. It can be too dirty for the pet, too small and uncomfortable for usage, or placed at an inconvenient location. Remember, cats need a quiet and discreet place.

How to prevent a cat from peeing on the carpet

Cats are very fastidious about their toilet habits. Once you know what the true reason behind your cat’s behaviour is, it is easier to solve the problem. But remember to never punish your pet because it will make them more anxious and things can get worse.

Here are some things to keep in mind that can prevent your cat from peeing outside of its litter box:

  • Convenient location – Make sure the litter box is large enough and placed in a quiet but easily accessible spot. Once you have found a good place for your cat’s litter, don’t move it.
  • Clean litter box – The litter box should also be kept clean. If possible, clean it every day but don’t use strongly scented cleaners. Some veterinarians recommend one litter box per cat (in case you have more than one) and perhaps one extra.
  • Reduce stress – Loud noises can make a cat anxious, so try reducing them. If you are leaving for a holiday, put a piece of your clothing in your pet’s bed. The familiarity of your scent will keep them calm.

Need help with the unpleasant smell? Hire a cleaning expert!

Cleaning after your cat can be time-consuming and unpleasant. Old cat urine stains, in particular, can be a real challenge. If you want to save yourself the stress over your home maintenance, consider contacting a professional cleaning company.

Carpet cleaners use special detergents and tools that allow them to fight stubborn stains and odours from pets. Fantastic Services works with certified professionals who will be able to remove dried cat urine stains and strong unpleasant smells.

Moreover, the carpet cleaning service includes a gratis antiviral sanitisation that secures a home 99.99% free of germs, bacteria and viruses. All you need to do is let us know of your carpet trouble and we will send someone to your rescue!

Having trouble removing a carpet stain?

Get your carpet professionally cleaned by Fantastic Services today!

Having trouble removing a carpet stain?


  • Cats not using their litter box can be caused by a medical condition or behavioural issue.
  • Cat urine has a very strong smell and cleaning a urine stain can be a tough task.
  • There are three main methods for cleaning pet urine stains – vinegar and baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and enzymatic cleaners.
  • Older stains can be harder to remove and might require the help of cleaning professionals.

Image source: Shutterstock / Africa Studio


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