Custom Stainless Steel Profiles for the MIT Chapel

In the fall of 2014, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT as most know it, decided to renovate a campus landmark. The iconic MIT Chapel, which lies at the heart of the campus, was in need of an update.

Profiles: Customized Special “Cross” Profile

Material: 304/L Stainless Steel

Execution: Laser Fused

Industry: Architectural: Glass Mullion Application

Location: Cambridge, MA.

Fabricator: Draper Metals – West Bridgewater, MA.


The MIT Chapel

Built in 1955, the MIT Chapel was a captivating design. Designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen, this structure had a mid-twentieth century, modern architectural look. This differed from most of MIT’s campus that was more of a classical style. At the time of its dedication, MIT President, James Killian, said; “MIT should be forward-looking in its architecture as well as in its research and education.” This statement still resonates strongly across campus today.

The Chapel design features a round, windowless structure with a domed skylight and cascading metal sculptures that make up the altarpiece screen. At the heart of campus, the Chapel serves as a gathering place and space for worship for all forms of religions.

Special Stainless Steel Profiles for the Chapel Renovation


The overall plan for renovation of this iconic chapel called for almost a full upgrade and renewal. This included both exterior and interior renovations along with the rebuild of the Chapel’s moat. A major part of this renovation was that of the stained glass walls. They needed a material for the glass frames that would be strong, durable, and would last a lifetime. The contractor chose stainless steel and reached out for Stainless Structurals’ assistance.

Part of the restoration design of the existing stained glass window walls called for a new stainless steel framing system. The contractor submitted drawings of the proposed profile and it was determined that laser fusion would be the best production technology. The shape designed was a custom cross profile with a very thick back flange and thinner top flange as shown in the picture below. In total, we supplied 60 pcs of this special profile in 304/L stainless steel that makes up the glass framing system.

Stainless Profiles for Any Project

The MIT Chapel is a very iconic structure on the Cambridge, Massachusetts campus. This is just one of many projects we have been involved in for landmark structures. Others include the Seattle Space Needle, 9-11 Memorial, Disney Parks, NASA, the Empire State Building and more. At Stainless Structurals, we can help with any project involving stainless steel or carbon steel special profiles. Your project can be an industrial design, structural application, architectural element, or much more and we can help make it a reality. Contact us today and we can help make your deign iconic.

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